Spring WebFlux允许您处理CORS(跨源资源共享)。本节描述了如何实现。






Spring WebFlux的HandlerMapping实现提供了内置的CORS支持。成功将请求映射到处理程序后,HandlerMapping会检查给定请求和处理程序的CORS配置,并采取进一步的操作。预检请求直接处理,而简单和实际的CORS请求会被拦截、验证,并设置所需的CORS响应头。


每个HandlerMapping可以单独配置基于URL模式的CorsConfiguration映射。在大多数情况下,应用程序使用WebFlux Java配置来声明这些映射,这将导致一个全局映射传递给所有HandlerMapping实现。




  • CorsConfiguration

  • CorsProcessorDefaultCorsProcessor

  • AbstractHandlerMapping



启用凭证还会影响如何处理配置的"*" CORS通配符:

  • 通配符在allowOrigins中不被授权,但可以使用allowOriginPatterns属性来匹配动态集合的来源。

  • 当设置在allowedHeadersallowedMethods上时,Access-Control-Allow-HeadersAccess-Control-Allow-Methods响应头通过复制CORS预检请求中指定的相关头部和方法来处理。

  • 当设置在exposedHeaders上时,Access-Control-Expose-Headers响应头设置为配置的头部列表或通配符字符。虽然CORS规范不允许在Access-Control-Allow-Credentials设置为true时使用通配符字符,但大多数浏览器支持它,并且在CORS处理期间并非所有响应头都可用,因此无论allowCredentials属性的值如何,指定时都会使用通配符字符作为头部值。



The @CrossOrigin annotation enables cross-origin requests on annotated controller methods, as the following example shows:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

public class AccountController {

	public Mono<Account> retrieve(@PathVariable Long id) {
		// ...

	public Mono<Void> remove(@PathVariable Long id) {
		// ...
class AccountController {

	suspend fun retrieve(@PathVariable id: Long): Account {
		// ...

	suspend fun remove(@PathVariable id: Long) {
		// ...

By default, @CrossOrigin allows:

  • All origins.

  • All headers.

  • All HTTP methods to which the controller method is mapped.

allowCredentials is not enabled by default, since that establishes a trust level that exposes sensitive user-specific information (such as cookies and CSRF tokens) and should be used only where appropriate. When it is enabled either allowOrigins must be set to one or more specific domain (but not the special value "*") or alternatively the allowOriginPatterns property may be used to match to a dynamic set of origins.

maxAge is set to 30 minutes.

@CrossOrigin is supported at the class level, too, and inherited by all methods. The following example specifies a certain domain and sets maxAge to an hour:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

@CrossOrigin(origins = "", maxAge = 3600)
public class AccountController {

	public Mono<Account> retrieve(@PathVariable Long id) {
		// ...

	public Mono<Void> remove(@PathVariable Long id) {
		// ...
@CrossOrigin("", maxAge = 3600)
class AccountController {

	suspend fun retrieve(@PathVariable id: Long): Account {
		// ...

	suspend fun remove(@PathVariable id: Long) {
		// ...

You can use @CrossOrigin at both the class and the method level, as the following example shows:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

@CrossOrigin(maxAge = 3600) (1)
public class AccountController {

	@CrossOrigin("") (2)
	public Mono<Account> retrieve(@PathVariable Long id) {
		// ...

	public Mono<Void> remove(@PathVariable Long id) {
		// ...
1 Using @CrossOrigin at the class level.
2 Using @CrossOrigin at the method level.
@CrossOrigin(maxAge = 3600) (1)
class AccountController {

	@CrossOrigin("") (2)
	suspend fun retrieve(@PathVariable id: Long): Account {
		// ...

	suspend fun remove(@PathVariable id: Long) {
		// ...
1 Using @CrossOrigin at the class level.
2 Using @CrossOrigin at the method level.

Global Configuration

In addition to fine-grained, controller method-level configuration, you probably want to define some global CORS configuration, too. You can set URL-based CorsConfiguration mappings individually on any HandlerMapping. Most applications, however, use the WebFlux Java configuration to do that.

By default global configuration enables the following:

  • All origins.

  • All headers.

  • GET, HEAD, and POST methods.

allowedCredentials is not enabled by default, since that establishes a trust level that exposes sensitive user-specific information (such as cookies and CSRF tokens) and should be used only where appropriate. When it is enabled either allowOrigins must be set to one or more specific domain (but not the special value "*") or alternatively the allowOriginPatterns property may be used to match to a dynamic set of origins.

maxAge is set to 30 minutes.

To enable CORS in the WebFlux Java configuration, you can use the CorsRegistry callback, as the following example shows:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

public class WebConfig implements WebFluxConfigurer {

	public void addCorsMappings(CorsRegistry registry) {

			.allowedMethods("PUT", "DELETE")
			.allowedHeaders("header1", "header2", "header3")
			.exposedHeaders("header1", "header2")

		// Add more mappings...
class WebConfig : WebFluxConfigurer {

	override fun addCorsMappings(registry: CorsRegistry) {

				.allowedMethods("PUT", "DELETE")
				.allowedHeaders("header1", "header2", "header3")
				.exposedHeaders("header1", "header2")

		// Add more mappings...

CORS WebFilter


如果您尝试在Spring Security中使用CorsFilter,请记住Spring Security对CORS有内置支持
CorsWebFilter bean,并将 CorsConfigurationSource传递给其构造函数,如下例所示:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

CorsWebFilter corsFilter() {

	CorsConfiguration config = new CorsConfiguration();

	// 可能...
	// config.applyPermitDefaultValues()


	UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource source = new UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource();
	source.registerCorsConfiguration("/**", config);

	return new CorsWebFilter(source);
fun corsFilter(): CorsWebFilter {

	val config = CorsConfiguration()

	// 可能...
	// config.applyPermitDefaultValues()

	config.allowCredentials = true

	val source = UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource().apply {
		registerCorsConfiguration("/**", config)
	return CorsWebFilter(source)